renders all the world troglodytic



renders all the world troglodytic,

Original French:  rend tout le monde Troglodyte,

Modern French:  rend tout le monde Troglodyte,


Quarta Africa tabula

Map of northern Africa from 1511 edition of Ptolemy’s Geography

Ptolemy, Claudius (c. 90-c. 168 AD), Geography. Bernardo Silvani, editor. Venice: J. Pentius de Leucho, 1511.

Quarta Africa tabula (Troglidi)

Map of northern Africa from 1511 edition of Ptolemy’s Geography
Detail showing “Troglodi”

Ptolemy, Claudius (c. 90-c. 168 AD), Geography. Bernardo Silvani, editor. Venice: J. Pentius de Leucho, 1511.


At Syene, at Berenice on the Arabian Gulf, and in the country of the Troglodytes, the sun stands in the zenith at the time of the summer solstice, and the longest day has thirteen and one half equinoctial hours; and almost the whole of the Great Bear is also visible in the arctic circle, with the exception of the legs, the tip of the tail, and one of the stars in the square. And the parallel through Syene passes, on the one side, through the country of the Fish-Eaters in Gedrosia, and through India, and, on the other side, through the regions that are almost five thousand stadia south of Cyrene.

Strabo (64 or 63 BC – c. AD 24), Geography. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1917. ii. 36. Loeb Classical Library

mons Riphées

Ch. ix Comment Pantagruel equitablement iugea d’une controverse merveilleusement obscure et difficile si iustement que son iugement fut dit plus admirable que celluy de Salomon.

[Monsieur de Baisecul demandeur d’une part, l’aultre monsieur de Humevesne defendeur de l’autre .]

Et lors Pantagruel leur dist Estes vous qui avez ce grand different entre vous deux? Ouy, dirent ilz, monsieur. Lequel de vous est demandeur? C’est moy, dit le seigneur de Baisecul.

Donc commença en la maniere que s’ensuyt. Monsieur il est vray que une bonne femme de ma maison portoit vendre des oeufz au marché. Couvrez vous Baisecul, dist Pantagruel. Grand mercy monsieur, dist le seigneur de Baisecul. Mais a propos passoit entre les tropicques vers le zenith diametralement opposé es Troglodytes, par autant que les mons Rhiphées avoient eu celle année grande sterilité de happelourdes, moyennant une sedition meue entre les Barragouyns & les Accoursiers pour la rebellion des Souisses, qui s’estoient assemblez iusques au nombre de troys, six, neuf, dix, pour aller à l’aguillanneuf, le premier trou de l’an, que l’on donne la souppe aux boeufz, & la clef du charbon aux filles, pour donner l’avoine aux chiens.

Rabelais, François (1483?–1553), Pantagruel. Les horribles et espouvantables faictz & prouesses du tresrenommé Pantagruel Roy des Dipsodes, filz du grand geant Gargantua, Composez nouvellement par maistre Alcofrybas Nasier. Lyon: Claude Nourry, 1532. Ch.9. Athena


Moscovites, Indiens, Perses, & Troglodytes souvent auront la cacquesangue, par ce qu’ilz ne vouldront estre par les Romanistes belinez, attendu le bal de Sagittarius ascendant.

Rabelais, François (1483?–1553), Pantagrueline Prognostication. Certaine, veritable & infaillible pour l’an perpetuelle. Nouvellement composée au prouffit & advisement de gens estourdis & musars de nature, Par maistre Alcofribas, architriclin dudict Pantagruel.. 1535. Wikisource

Rhiphaean Mountains – Smith translation

CHAPTER XI How the Lords of Kissbreech and Suckfizzle did plead before Pantagruel without Advocates
But to the purpose, there passed between the two Tropics six white Pieces towards the Zenith and a Halfpenny, forasmuch as the Rhiphaean Mountains had this year had a great Sterility of Happelourdes by means of a Sedition of Babblers stirred up between the Jabberers and the Accursians, for the Rebellion of the Switzers, who had assembled together to the Number of the Bumbees, to go to the Handsel-getting on the first Hole of the Year, when men give Brewis to the Oxen and the Key of the Coals to the Maids, to give Oats to the Dogs.

Rabelais, François (1483?–1553), The Five Books and Minor Writings. Volume 1: Books I-III. William Francis Smith (1842–1919), translator. London: Alexader P. Watt, 1893. Internet Archive


troglodyte [adaptation of Latin troglodyta, adaptation of Greek trwgloduthj, formed on trwglh hole + duein to get or go into.]

One of various races or tribes of men (chiefly ancient or prehistoric) inhabiting caves or dens (natural or artificial); a cave-dweller, cave-man.

1555 W. Watreman Fardle of Facions i. vi. 93 The Troglodites myne them selues caues in the grounde, wherin to dwell.

1614 Sir Walter Raleigh The History of the World i. (1634) 52 Which Regions… (I mean that of Niger, and that of Prester John and the Troglodytes).

1642 James Howell Instructions for Foreign Travel (Arb.) 51 They were Troglodites, and had no dwelling but in the hollowes of the rocks.



Posted 27 January 2013. Modified 6 April 2020.

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