Fragment 521174



were it not that the larix in a great furnace of fire proceeding from other kinds of wood

Original French:  ne feuſt que Larix en grande fournaiſe de feu prouenent d’aultres eſpeces de boys,

Modern French:  ne feust que Larix en grande fournaise de feu provenent d’aultres espèces de boys,



Quinto generi est situs idem, facies eadem; larix vocatur. materies praestantior longe, incorrupta aevis,1 umori contumax, rubens praeterea et odore acrior. plusculum huic erumpit liquoris melleo colore atque lentore, numquam durescentis.… Omnia autem haec genera accensa fuligine inmodica carbonem repente expuunt cum eruptionis crepitu eiaculanturque longe excepta larice quae nec ardet nec carbonem facit nec alio modo ignis vi consumitur quam lapides.

The fifth kind of resinous tree has the same habitat [mountains and cold localities] and the same appearance; it is called the larch. Its timber is far superior, not rotting with age and offering a stubborn resistance to damp; also it has a reddish colour and a rather penetrating scent. Resin flows from this tree in rather large quantities, of the colour and stickiness of honey, and never becoming hard.… All these kinds of trees when set fire to make an enormous quantity of sooty smoke and suddenly with an explosive crackle send out a splutter of charcoal and shoot it to a considerable distance—excepting the larch, which does not burn nor yet make charcoal, nor waste away from the action of fire any more than do stones.

Pliny the Elder [23–79 AD]
The Natural History. Volume 4: Books 12–16
Harris Rackham [1868–1944], translator
Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1945
Loeb Classical Library



Posted 10 February 2013. Modified 21 January 2017.

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